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Animated Png Photoshop Plugin

Exporting Animated PNGs in Photoshop


Animated PNGs (APNGs) are a file format that supports animation within a single PNG file. To create an APNG, you can use Photoshop.


Exporting an APNG in Photoshop

To export an APNG in Photoshop, follow these steps:

  1. Open the image you want to export as an APNG.
  2. Go to File > Export > Save for Web (Legacy)...
  3. In the Save for Web (Legacy) dialog box, select PNG-8 or PNG-24 as the format.
  4. In the Options section, select the desired animation settings, such as the frame rate and loop options.
  5. Click Save.

Additional Notes

Here are some additional things to keep in mind when exporting APNGs in Photoshop:

  • APNGs are not supported by all browsers. To ensure compatibility, you should provide a fallback image for browsers that do not support APNGs.
  • APNGs can be larger in file size than GIFs. However, APNGs offer better image quality and support transparency.
  • You can use Photoshop to create animated GIFs. However, GIFs are limited to 256 colors and do not support transparency.
