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Sp 500 Rebalance Dates

S&P 500 Rebalance Dates: Everything You Need to Know

What are S&P 500 Rebalance Dates?

The S&P 500, an index that tracks the stock performance of the 500 largest publicly traded companies in the U.S., undergoes periodic rebalancing to ensure it accurately reflects the market capitalization of its constituent companies.

Why are Rebalance Dates Important?

Rebalance dates are crucial for investors because they can significantly impact stock prices and portfolio performance.

Passive Index Funds:

Passive index funds, such as exchange-traded funds (ETFs) that track the S&P 500, adjust their holdings on rebalance dates to match the index's updated composition.

Stock Prices:

Stocks that are added to or removed from the index may experience price fluctuations as investors adjust their positions accordingly.

Frequency of Rebalancing

The S&P 500 rebalances semi-annually, typically in March and September.

Upcoming Rebalance Dates

The next S&P 500 rebalance dates are expected to be:

  • March 9, 2023
  • September 8, 2023

Historical Impact of Rebalancing

Historically, S&P 500 rebalancing events have led to mixed returns for investors. Some stocks experience gains due to increased demand, while others may face temporary price declines.


S&P 500 rebalance dates are important events that can impact investment strategies. By understanding the process and its potential effects, investors can make informed decisions and adjust their portfolios accordingly.
