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Government United Kingdom Taxpayers

How the UK Government Wastes Taxpayers' Money

£4.6 billion lost on PPE contracts

The UK government has been heavily criticized for its handling of public finances, with a recent report revealing that £4.6 billion was wasted on PPE contracts during the COVID-19 pandemic.

£12 billion spent on consultants

A further £12 billion was spent on consultants, with some firms receiving contracts worth hundreds of millions of pounds without any competitive tendering.

£1.7 billion lost on Universal Credit overpayments

The government has also been criticized for its administration of Universal Credit, with £1.7 billion lost due to overpayments.

The government has defended its record, stating that the high levels of spending were necessary to respond to the challenges of the pandemic.

However, critics argue that the government has been too profligate with public money and that more could have been done to ensure that it was spent wisely.

The National Audit Office has also criticized the government's handling of public finances, stating that it has "failed to get a grip" on spending.

The government has said that it is committed to improving its financial management, but critics argue that more needs to be done to ensure that taxpayers' money is spent wisely.
